Video recruitment
How does video recruitment work?
Zerolime’s video interviews work by allowing the recruiter to select which questions they want the candidates to answer. Candidates can then conduct their interview via their phone at a convenient time.
Candidates are unable to pause or restart the interview, creating conditions similar to an in-person interview. This allows for a natural and truthful impression of the candidate, rather than a rehearsed or memorized one.
With video recruitment, you can quickly gain a good understanding of the candidates, and this can replace a first phone call. It provides a deeper understanding of candidates than just reviewing a CV while saving time on scheduling interviews that work for both parties.
Advantages of video recruitment
Equal recruitment
Since all candidates receive the same questions, they also have the same conditions. Factors such as tone of voice and answers can affect the recruiter’s follow-up questions and how they interpret the candidate. This problem is reduced with video recruitment.
The interviews can be saved and reused
Compared to traditional interviews, video interviews can be saved and reused for multiple recruitment occasions.
Save time
Video recruitment is excellent for screening large numbers of applicants. When the recruiter does not need to be present during the interview, it saves a lot of time and simplifies the recruitment process.
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