Integrations Zerolime


Evaluate the breadth and depth of your own talent pool using AON. Through personality and capacity tests, you gain valuable insights into your candidates.

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Our system Intelliplan provides a comprehensive solution for sales, staffing, recruitment, and finance.

Trustcruit helps you measure the candidate experience so that you can constantly improve your recruitment process.

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Assessio offers work psychological tests that provide valuable insights into potential and current employees.

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With Tengai, you can screen unlimited numbers of applicants, ensure process quality, while each candidate receives an improved candidate experience.


Verifiera offers a user-friendly tool that helps you verify, among other things, judgments, charges, disputes, and driver's license eligibility.


Get help with background checks, security clearance interviews, and digital reference checks.

Job ad channels

Do you want to advertise in external channels? We have pre-built integrations with Monster, Blocket and over 18 other advertising channels.

Become a partner

We are constantly developing new integrations on our platform. Email if you are interested in becoming a partner.